KJ 50th is coming!

KJs 50th Anniversary Save The Date.jpg

Dear KatzenFamily,

We invite you to SAVE THE DATE for the 50th anniversary KatzenReunion, officially slated for Friday, October 27 through Sunday, October 29, 2023 at Princeton!

We are excited to celebrate this major milestone, to gather and sing with dear friends and fellow Katz, and to create new memories that will carry the group through the next 50! By announcing the dates two years in advance, we are hoping to maximize the turnout from our 200-plus alumni community. Tell your fellow Katzenjammers all to attend!

We are planning on a big capstone concert, another collaboration with the wonderful singers of the Trenton Children’s Chorus, and some group meals, as well as downtime to spend together. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at Katzat50@gmail.com, the sooner the better.

For those who might not be able to travel to Princeton twice in a short time, we also plan to have several Katzen50th events in addition to the usual arch sing and after-party at Princeton Reunions that year, May 25 through 28, 2023.

If you have any photos or videos you want to archive or share with us so we can use them for the 50th, please send those our way via email (at Katzat50@gmail.com), text, WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, or any other file-sharing platform.

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45th Anniversary Registration and Schedule!

Katz 45th logo small - cropped

Registration is now open!

We’re very excited to get to see & sing with everyone next month.  You can register on EventBrite using the link you should have received via email (if you didn’t get it, contact me at rault@katzenjammerfoundation.com and I’ll send it manually) and can specify any meal requests.  Any last-minute changes to the weekend’s schedule will be posted here on the Katzenjammer Foundation website and our Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/katzenjammers/).

Check in Friday night or Saturday morning at the super-formal Registration Desk™, where you’ll get a goodie bag with amazing schwag containing with rehearsal info, updated schedule, sheet music, Katz 45th Reunion button, and more.

To help you plan, here’s the schedule for the weekend:



7:009:30pmCampus Club for registration and casual dinner, followed by arch sing in 1879, followed by post-party back at Campus



8:45am: registration in Woolworth

9:00am12:00pm: registration + rehearsals in Woolworth

12:002:00pm: official 45th Luncheon in Prospect House Garden Room

2:153:15pm: rehearsal with Trenton Children’s Chorus at Nassau Presbyterian Church

3:304:30pm: concert with TCC in Nassau Presbyterian

~dinner on your own~

9:0010:30pm: our first-ever Katzen-Cabaret @ Campus Club featuring our music & performance pros!  Followed by undergrad arch sing (check updated time info in your registration packet)



9:00am12:00pm: rehearsals in Woolworth

~lunch on your own ~

2:005:00pm: capstone all-Katz concert in Richardson Auditorium

Post-concert party hosted by undergrads (location TBD)


See you in a few weeks!!

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Katzenjammer 45th Anniversary!

45th Anniversary Celebration: Save the Date!!

The 45-year storied history of the Princeton Katzenjammers, the oldest coed a cappella group in at least the Ivy League if not all plant-based leagues, will be feted with mirth, togetherness, and songs for all genders over Columbus Day weekend 2018, October 5–8.

Katzen-reunion events will take place primarily on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7. Some hellos will be said on Friday, October 5 and goodbyes on Monday, October 8. Working around the busy schedule of Richardson Auditorium, we were able to secure Sunday, October 7 for our now-traditional blowout concert featuring the ever-lengthening march through the group’s musical history. To accommodate those who must return home to work on Monday, we plan to hold the concert in the late afternoon.

Watch this space for donation links during the spring fundraising drive, and then for the registration link in the summer.

Fine job, KJs!

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Reunions 2017!

Join us for Reunions 2017!

Who:  All Katzenjammer alums!
What:  What else?  Singing.  Bring songbooks and requests!
Where: Blair Arch
When:  6/3/2017, at 10PM (immediately post Fireworks)
Why:  Well… what could be better than an inter-generational celebration of KJ music?!

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2014 Alumni Archsing!

Blair Arch was rocking last Saturday night with the 2014 edition of the Katzenjammer Alumni Archsing!

We had a great turnout, including six members of the Class of 2009 (back for their 5th reunion).  Off years were also well represented!


A special congratulations to the Class of 2014!  Tadesh, Nikhita, and Dina…. welcome to wonderful world of KJ Alumni!

Fine job!

Counting down the days until Reunions 2015….

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40th Anniversary Celebration Save the Date

The date has finally been set!

We’re officially celebrating the Princeton Katzenjammers’ 40th Anniversary the weekend of Oct. 4th, 2013.


More details to come, but please start making plans to hit Princeton on Friday, October 4th (or your Music Directors will be angry at you for missing rehearsal!).  The big concert will be held on campus on Saturday, Oct 5 at 8pm, with a variety of other activities throughout the weekend.


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